I recently snagged this table from a seller on Craigslist. In my previous posts you my recognize it as the concentric table from Z Gallerie, a.k.a the coffee table of my dreams. With a steep price tag, I wasn't sure I would ever get it, but during my constant search of affordable accessories on Craigslist, I found it-condition, brand new-price, much more reasonable (about $100 less than in store). Needless to say, that was one of the happiest days of my lives (please take into account I have not been married or had children yet). The table is loving it's new home, and especially that it is not being used as a coffee table i.e. nothing is presently laying on it. However, I would like it to be functional one day. So I called a few glass companies thinking I would put a layer of glass over the top for protection so that drinks and (possibly) feet would be able to relax on it. To my non-surprise, a piece of glass that size was going to cost around $150. After already paying so much for my wonderful coffee table, this wasn't going to work with my budget.
So I did a little brainstorming...
I decided that a serving tray would be a much more affordable option. It can house drinks and snacks, and in the event that a spill occurs, hopefully protect the table as much as possible. Now, as for foot traffic on the table, that will remain minimal until I can afford a glass top.
In my search of finding a serving tray, I discovered the price can run anywhere from $30 to $70. However, I found a super affordable one from Target, and with a little bit of spray paint to add a pop of color, I think it will look perfect on the table.
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