My boyfriend recently moved into his own apartment. Besides bringing the essentials with him; a huge TV, a bed and a toothbrush, he had very little. So I thought I would send a small housewarming gift/care package to him. What would be the perfect gift, you ask?! What's more important than watching TV, sleeping and maintaining good hygiene...FOOD!!! A cook I am not, so no food could be sent his way. I decided instead to encourage my chef of a boyfriend to enhance his cooking skills in preparation for my visits. After all, the way to a girl's heart is definitely food, right? Well it is for me anyway :)
First, I made a trip to Ross and Marshall's (both stores I find great deals at). I found a good amount of cooking tools and other kitchen supplies and even a metal basket to hold them.
Second, I wrote little messages on post its, pink ones to add a little extra love, and attached the notes to each object.
Third, I crammed most everything into the basket.
Fourth, I put everything in a box, wrote a little love note and shipped the box!
How To Propagate Succulents
5 days ago
That was really nice of you! What a good girlfriend you are!
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