Thanks Heather, for passing along the "Honest Scrap" Award. I am so excited. The rules are to pass along the award to 7 bloggers who I think are honest in their blogging and then write 10 honest things about myself. Well, since I am new to blogging, I have only chosen 5 (6 if I could send it back to Heather, but she has already shared 10 honest things about herself on her post).
So here are 10 honest things about me:
1) I could eat Mexican food everyday.
2) I'm moving over 400 miles away from my family and friends and I am scared to death!
3) I hate talking on the phone, which explains the amount of texts I send each day.
4) If I could do college all over again, I would major in Interior Design.
5) I spend most of my money decorating my apartment (after paying rent and bills).
6) I have a goldfish, "Moses", who I won at the fair two years ago (hope he survives the move).
7) I could watch HGTV all day, everyday.
8) I actually enjoy cleaning.
9) I 'm afraid of the ocean, but I love the beach.
10) If I become a cat lady, I would be perfectly content.
1) Young House Love
2) Bower Power
3) Making It Lovely
4) Freckles Chick
5) Mike And McGee
Thanks again so much for the sweet mention! We're blushing.
Sherry (& John)
Awww you rock!! You sure know how to make this girl's weekend. I'm so honored, THANK YOU!!
I am so with you on #3!
Lis, were really gonna need to work on #3. I so agree with you, but were gonna need to have phone dates! It's going to be so weird not talking to you everyday. Please still text me all the time too!
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