Nothing can put me in a better mood quite like doing a DIY project. I was a little bored and sad one day and I just needed to paint! I had a small can of sample paint I got from Home Depot a few months ago in an effort to get the ball rolling on painting the condo. However, my boyfriend and I agreed that we wouldn't paint until I got a job. I felt bad not putting the paint to good use, especially since it matched my duvet cover perfectly. So I roamed my room, looking for something easy to paint. And this is what I found...
A greenish leaf lamp. The lamp was serving its purpose by providing light, but definitely not providing any eye appeal. What a perfect thing to paint!

I used a cheapo paint brush, that I also had lying around, to cover the lamp with three coats of paint. And less than 24 hours later, the lamp returned to my room looking 100% better!

It's a little hard to see the true color, which is a light blue grey. The color is Rhino by Behr.
Is DIY used as therapy for anyone else??? I felt so much better-and more accomplished after this little project.